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India Makes History with Chandrayaan-3 Landing on Moon's South Pole

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Chandrayaan 3: India's Third Lunar Mission

Chandrayaan 3 On July 14, 2023, India successfully launched its third lunar mission, Chandrayaan 3. The mission is a follow-on to Chandrayaan 2, which was launched in 2019 but failed to land on the moon. Chandrayaan 3 is carrying a lander and rover, which will attempt to land on the lunar south pole. The lander is called Vikram, and the rover is called Pragyan. Vikram is equipped with a number of instruments to study the lunar surface, including a camera, a spectrometer, and a magnetometer. Pragyan is a six-wheeled rover that will be able to travel up to 500 meters on the lunar surface. Structural View The Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft is composed of three main parts: the propulsion module, the lander, and the rover. The propulsion module is responsible for carrying the lander and rover into lunar orbit. It is a box-shaped  structure with one large solar panel mounted on one side and a large cylinder on top (the Intermodular Adapter Cone) that acts as a mounting structure for the  lander. T

Artemis-I : Mission to Moon

Artemis-I   We need to know about why this program called Artemis? Artemis is a mythological Greek Goddess of Moon and twin sister of Apollo. It’s a fitting name for the program that will send the first woman and first person of color to the Moon by 2030. This mission is currently unmanned but crewed spacecraft is under development and ready to carry people in nearly 2026. The spacecraft is named as ORION [ Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Network ]. Artemis-I will orbit the moon about 70000 Km above the moon’s surface. It was firstly launched on 29 August, 2022 but there was any technical issues rises due to this mission postponed and new date of launch are 2 September, 2022 or 5 September, 2022. The Artemis program is a robotic and human moon exploration program led by the United States Space Agency, NASA & involving three other partner agencies : European Space Agency [ESA], Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency [JAXA] and Canadian Space Agency [CSA]. Basically it is a type

Time Traveling.

Firstly we need to know about time. Time is just a continued sequence of events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the Past, through the Present into the Future. Time is considered as the 4 th dimension in total 11 dimensions. Time travelling mean we have move within the time from present to past or present to future and visa – versa. Time is one of the most unique and interesting topic in our world. Some of the scientist say that time travelling is not possible but some of them do not get agreed that they may consider the time travelling is possible in some way. The brightest minds have been trying to answer this question and formulates the main regularities related to this process for year. Beside the rapid evolution of science and technologies renewed interest in this topic and gave rise to vigorous debates around the possibility and impossibility of time travels. The discovery of wormholes also preconditioned the undying interest in the topic. There are


As we all know that on 25 December, 2022 New Space telescope has had be launch known as James Webb space telescope in replacement of Hubble space telescope. It had said some images of different galaxies and other some of the selected image released by NASA on 11 July 2022 the name of these images as follows: 1) SMACS 0723 2) WASP – 96B 3) SOUTHERN RING 4) STEPHEN’S QUINTET 5) CARINA NEBULA => Some detail information about these images : • SMACS 0723 :- This is the first image that released by James Webb space telescope of the deepest sharpest inferred image of distance universe ever produce. This image is of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 and other thousands of galaxies . The galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 appears here it would have exist 4.6 billion year ago. This is deep field that show the phenomena known as gravitational Lensing in action to study and pressing galaxy is back to the beginning of cosmic time. • WASP-96B :- Webb’s observe hot and puffy planet outside our solar syst

Lifecycle of a star : Birth to Death

STARS AND PLANETS  Star A star is a luminous and biggest object in the universe that emit light naturally. Sun is also a star. The study of birth , life and death of a stars is called stellar evolution. First stage in the birth of star is called protostar and the death of star is called supernova .  FORMATION OF A STAR BY CLOUD OF DUST How stars are formed ? Stars are made by cloud of gases and dust that scattered throughout the galaxies. The cloud of dust is called the orion nebula . As gravitational force of attraction applied on cloud they collapses and when cloud collapse the material at the center get heat up so that all stars and planet have high temperature at core. A star build by continuous process of gravitational pull cloud collapse to make its size bigger. The size of star (or mass of a star) reaches from  15 to 130 solar masses . At center the temperature gets extremely high, it tigger the fusion reaction. All the material that has fallen in then evolves into a hot and br


The black hole absorbing light Firstly we need to know about black holes. Black hole are those holes which formed when two stars collapse each other when they live it’s complete life. Only black hole have capacity to absorb light completely without emitting any particle of light. They are small in size as compared to stars but having mass greater than star and also having higher density than a star. THE UNICORN : CLOSEST BLACK HOLE TO EARTH   Sir Tharindu Jayasinghe a doctoral student in astronomy at Ohio state found the closest black hole to the earth. It have nickname “ THE UNICORN ”.  The Unicorn is located about 1500 light years from Earth. This may be the smallest known black hole in ‘ The Milky Way Galaxy ’ and closest to our solar system. The mass of this black hole is 3 solar masses. This black hole is located right next to red giant star called V723 Mon in the constellation of Monoceros. Speed of Unicorn is approx. 1100,000 mph about 230 million light years from Earth. This is

Parker Solar Probe: Mission to Study the Sun

Parker Solar Probe  Introduction:   As we need to know that the first ever mission had launched to study the sun at its nearest point that is solar corona (inner side of sun’s atmosphere ). The mission was launched on 12 August 2018 by delta IV heavy and on 3 October 2018 it fly by venus (moved by gravity assist of venus ) and it had taken the first perihelion round on 5 November 2018. Objective:  The objective of this mission is to unlock the different mysteries of the solar corona and Solar winds. It determined the structure and dynamics of plasma and magnetic field at the source of the solar wind and it also explored what mechanism used that accelerate and transport energetic particles. Dimensions and System used How it survive: It is able to survive at the extreme temperature due to a thermal shield that is made up of carbon composite materials that helped to make it unmeltable in extreme temperature ( approximately 20 - 25 lakh degrees fahrenheit ) at the solar corona. The cap i

Some Information About DART Mission

DART Mission Space view DART stand for Double Asteroid Redirection Test. Firstly we need to know about what is dart mission ?what are the benefits from this mission ? and last what are the goals of this mission ? This mission is the first mission which demonstrating the method of asteroid deflection by changing motion of two asteroids in space by generating kinetic impact between them.  Mission is launched by NASA on 24th November 2021 from Vandenberg Space Force Based on a board of Space X Falcon 9 Rocket.  DART Mission works to deflecte the orbit of asteroids  DART will orbit the sun just outside the earth’s orbit for ten months there it is waiting for the Didymos (a asteroid system) is 780 m in diameter. It has a moonlet the Dimorphos 160 m in diameter. Which is the actual target of DART .  How DART Mission works  If it successfully change them moving direction or deflect the orbit of asteroid  then the mission is successful and it help in different way.  This first full mission i


Space view of Aurora Lights  Firstly, we need to know about the aurora. Auroras are the light which is produced naturally by collision of charge particles with gasses molecules present in the atmosphere. Predominantly sun in high latitude region like arctic and Antarctic. This light produces always at poles because magnetic field of earth is stronger on the poles and also the density of magnetic field lines is high there. Thus, a large number of charge particles found at the poles. The charge particles collide with the gasses to making them excited that cause  coloured visible light. When the charge particle collides with oxygen molecules then green light is emitted mostly but sometimes it produce red light and when collides with nitrogen molecules then more pink , orange or red colours emitted. Different types of Aurora Light seen on different places  These light appearing near the North Pole and South Pole. Scientist name these light as at North Pole light called “ Aurora borealis