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As we all know that on 25 December, 2022 New Space telescope has had be launch known as James Webb space telescope in replacement of Hubble space telescope.

It had said some images of different galaxies and other some of the selected image released by NASA on 11 July 2022 the name of these images as follows:

1) SMACS 0723

2) WASP – 96B




=> Some detail information about these images:

SMACS 0723:-

This is the first image that released by James Webb space telescope of the deepest sharpest inferred image of distance universe ever produce.

This image is of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 and other thousands of galaxies. The galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 appears here it would have exist 4.6 billion year ago. This is deep field that show the phenomena known as gravitational Lensing in action to study and pressing galaxy is back to the beginning of cosmic time.


Webb’s observe hot and puffy planet outside our solar system that Rebel the clear signature of water it is also known as exoplanet. It is a composition of gas locate just 1150 light year away and the temperature of the exoplanet to be about 1350°C. It also have cloud that previous studies of this planet did not detected.

Southern Ring:-

This planetary nebula and expanding cloud of gas that surrounded a dying star. It lies approx 2000 light year away and it is visible to observe living in southern hemisphere, as it can be found within the constellations of Vela.

Stephen’s QUINTET:-

This is a group of galaxies known as Stephen Quintet. It is located 290 million light year away in the constellation Pegasus, in the same patch of sky as the famous asterism known as the great square of Pegasus.

=> Stephen Quintet show different lights

Red light indicate star forming region, distance early galaxies and galaxies covered in dense cosmic dust.

Blue light show stars or stars cluster without dust while more diffuses area of blue reveal dust containing large amount of hydrocarbon molecules.

Green and yellow light represent more distant, earlier galaxies that are also rich in hydrocarbon.

Carina Nebula:-

It is a type of glowing cosmic cloud found about 7600 light year away. Telescope looks at the ‘Cosmic Cliffs’ in the Carina Nebula unveils the earliest, rapid phases of star formation that were previously hidden.

It is the edge of giant gaseous cavity with in NGC 3324, and the tallest “peak” in this image are about 7 light years high.

=> How Hubble space telescope hai is different from James Webb space telescope

• Webb will primarily look at the universe in the infrared while how are you studied it primerly at optical and ultraviolet wavelength.

• Web has also much bigger mirror than Hubble. Webb have 6.5 meter diameter and Hubble have 2.4 meter diameter.

• The Hubble space telescope orbits around the Earth at an altitude of approximately 570km above it. Webb space telescope will not actually orbits the Earth instead it will sit at the Earth-Sun L2 lagrange point. Which is 1.5 million km away.

• The collecting area of Hubble is 4.5 m2 and 6.25 time more collecting area of Webb.

• Hubble telescope don’t have any sunshield whereas James Webb have sunshield and it have area equal to a tennis court that like a parasol providing shade.

Using the above background information, (and additional sources of information from the dictionary).

   -By Mratyunjay Saxena 


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