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Showing posts from August, 2022

Artemis-I : Mission to Moon

Artemis-I   We need to know about why this program called Artemis? Artemis is a mythological Greek Goddess of Moon and twin sister of Apollo. It’s a fitting name for the program that will send the first woman and first person of color to the Moon by 2030. This mission is currently unmanned but crewed spacecraft is under development and ready to carry people in nearly 2026. The spacecraft is named as ORION [ Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Network ]. Artemis-I will orbit the moon about 70000 Km above the moon’s surface. It was firstly launched on 29 August, 2022 but there was any technical issues rises due to this mission postponed and new date of launch are 2 September, 2022 or 5 September, 2022. The Artemis program is a robotic and human moon exploration program led by the United States Space Agency, NASA & involving three other partner agencies : European Space Agency [ESA], Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency [JAXA] and Canadian Space Agency [CSA]. Basically it is a type

Time Traveling.

Firstly we need to know about time. Time is just a continued sequence of events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the Past, through the Present into the Future. Time is considered as the 4 th dimension in total 11 dimensions. Time travelling mean we have move within the time from present to past or present to future and visa – versa. Time is one of the most unique and interesting topic in our world. Some of the scientist say that time travelling is not possible but some of them do not get agreed that they may consider the time travelling is possible in some way. The brightest minds have been trying to answer this question and formulates the main regularities related to this process for year. Beside the rapid evolution of science and technologies renewed interest in this topic and gave rise to vigorous debates around the possibility and impossibility of time travels. The discovery of wormholes also preconditioned the undying interest in the topic. There are


As we all know that on 25 December, 2022 New Space telescope has had be launch known as James Webb space telescope in replacement of Hubble space telescope. It had said some images of different galaxies and other some of the selected image released by NASA on 11 July 2022 the name of these images as follows: 1) SMACS 0723 2) WASP – 96B 3) SOUTHERN RING 4) STEPHEN’S QUINTET 5) CARINA NEBULA => Some detail information about these images : • SMACS 0723 :- This is the first image that released by James Webb space telescope of the deepest sharpest inferred image of distance universe ever produce. This image is of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 and other thousands of galaxies . The galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 appears here it would have exist 4.6 billion year ago. This is deep field that show the phenomena known as gravitational Lensing in action to study and pressing galaxy is back to the beginning of cosmic time. • WASP-96B :- Webb’s observe hot and puffy planet outside our solar syst